The Truth About 01782401163: Scam or Legitimate Caller?


Whenever you receive a call from a stranger it can be a little awkward. However there is one number which is more or less famous or at least recognized and that is 01782401163. How many times are people not too sure whether the call they received from this number is real or whether the number belongs to the scam. You are going to learn in this article where 01782401163 comes from, if it is involved in any scams or not, and some means that can help you do away with such calls.

What is 01782401163?

01782401163 is a fixed line number which is from Stoke on Trent, England. While some calls from this number are real, one can hardly consider this number safe; it is connected with scams like debt collection, or even the real HMRC. Due to its association with both legit and scamming activities, it is advisable to exercise caution every time he or she receives a call from this number and confirm the caller’s authenticity before providing any information.

Who Might Be Calling You from 01782401163?

1. Advantis Debt Collection Agency

Since 01782401163 is prominently used by Advantis that is a UK based money recovery agency many calls originate from this number. Advantis provides services of collection of outstanding debts as well as credit accounts to many organizations. If for instance you have any bills that you have to settle, this number might just call you while using the name Advantis.

It is important to note that Advantis is a legitimate business. While chasing their debts, Advantis operates within the laws of the United Kingdom. However, the process of collecting these debts can sometimes cause uneasiness. This is especially true if people were not expecting to receive a call about their outstanding dues. Some individuals might call you claiming that you have a debt. If you receive a call from 01782401163, you should verify it directly with Advantis. Alternatively, you can confirm it with whoever they are collecting for. Taking these steps will help ensure that the call is legitimate and not a scam.

2. Potential Scammers

Fraudsters posing as HMRC representatives may use this number to extort people into providing their details or forcing them to pay money. These calls often try to scare the victim by stating that they will take him/her to court or arrest him/her.

This is a tricky affair to identify in the first instance since the scammers may pretend to be from the government and may employ advanced tactics in executing their cons. So, it is possible to identify the most known signs of scams and make some actions against receiving calls from scammers.

Why You Might Receive a Call from 01782401163

There are several reasons you might receive a call from 01782401163:

  • Debt Collection: As earlier explained if you have unpaid bills, then Advantis might be attempting to reach out to you in a bid to recover the monies. In such situations, one should ensure that the particular debt is authentic by approaching the company.
  • Marketing and Surveys: It is possible that the number will be used by the marketing agencies or to make surveys or to promote products or services. Such calls are normally not dangerous but they can at times be very irritating.
  • Scam Calls: However, not all the calls that come from 01782401163 are from legit sources; scammers are notorious for calling from this number and claiming to be from HMRC with the aim of making people pay a certain amount of money or share with them their private information.

Understanding the nature of the call is key to knowing how to respond.

Signs That a Call May Be a Scam

Knowing whether the call you are receiving from the number 01782401163 is genuine or not can at times be difficult in avoiding the call. Here are some warning signs that the call may be fraudulent:Here are some warning signs that the call may be fraudulent:

  • Unexpected Calls: Scam callers do not respect people’s telephone rights by making unsolicited calls without prior informing the consumers such as through the HMRC. If the call is, for example, unsolicited, it is better if one thinks of it as a warning sign.
  • Threatening Language: Often the scammers try to use fear to make people do whatever they want from them. In some of the cases, the scammers may use a legal approach and tell you that legal suits, charges, or even arrest could soon be imminent if you do not make the payment. That is why we can be sure that the legitimate companies will not make use of such measures.
  • Requests for Personal Information: A standard trick employed by the fraudster is the disclosure of a person’s identification number, banking credentials or password data. Of course, nobody will e-mail or call the subject of an organization and demand for the above information.
  • Payment Demands: These fraudsters may request that you make payments in cash, and more often than not, they will use other forms of working such as gift cards, or wire transfers. 

Steps to Protect Yourself from Scam Calls

If you receive a call from 01782401163 and suspect it may be a scam, take the following steps to protect yourself. First, do not provide any personal information. Second, hang up and report the call to the appropriate authorities. Third, consider blocking the number to prevent future calls. Lastly, stay vigilant for any additional suspicious activity.

1. Don’t Answer Immediately

Answer it with silence or better still allow the call to go to the voicemail. This means you will stand a better chance assessing the number and its credibility to such con and therefore avoid partaking in any con-call with the caller.

2. Verify the Caller

If the caller said it is from HMRC or Advantis the first thing to do is to end the call immediately and call. The organizations through the official numbers provided in the website. It will also assist you in knowing whether the call is real or just a fake one.

3. Don’t Share Personal Information

Do not disclose any account number like Social Security number. The bank account number or credit card number if you are not sure whether the person who is calling you is an authentic one or not.

4. Report Suspicious Calls

If you think it is a scam do not pick the call, instead, involve. Your phone service provider and law enforcement agencies such as the Action Fraud in case you are in the UK. This can at least prevent other people from being a victim of the same scammers or fraudsters.

5. Block the Number

In this case, the number persists to call you and the best way to avoid it is to block it through your phone’s block list. You can also automatically block numbers calling from scams through third-party app options like Truecaller or Hiya.


Is 01782401163 a Scam Number?

It could be. While some calls from this number are legitimate, others have reported it being used for scam attempts. Always verify the identity of the caller before engaging.

How Can I Block 01782401163?

Use your phone’s blocking feature or third-party apps to prevent future calls from this number.

What Should I Do If I Receive a Call from 01782401163?

Let the call go to voicemail, verify the caller’s identity through independent means, and report any suspicious behavior to authorities.


The number 01782401163 can be considered an official number or a fake number. As a result, calls from this line may be legitimate or they may be scams. Organizations such as Advantis may use this number for activities like debt collection. Unfortunately, there are cases where scammers also use this number for fraudulent purposes. It is crucial not to disclose any information to the caller if you receive a call from an unknown number. Make sure to verify the caller’s identity before sharing any personal details. Staying alert is essential to avoid falling victim to such scams. Always be cautious when receiving calls from unknown numbers. Keeping an eye out for potential scams can help you protect yourself from fraud.

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