Understanding Joseph White NPI Number Virginia 804


In the healthcare sector, the National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a 10-digit unique number that the United States issues to individual healthcare providers. Healthcare providers and entities use this number for various administrative and billing purposes. The Joseph White NPI Number Virginia 804 has helped in streamlining the process of finding healthcare providers in the national database and across the insurance system, which helps in providing an efficient and organized health care system.

Who is Joseph White?

Joseph White NPI Number Virginia 804 is a credentialed health care professional whose rostering is filed in the state of Virginia within the 804 area code. The 804 area covers central and eastern Virginia and essentially includes Richmond, Petersburg, and their respective counties. As such, it becomes very important to understand the significance of the NPI number for Joseph White in this part of the region by finding out how health care professionals receive uniquely identified within the system and what their NPI number says for them.

The Importance of NPI Numbers for Providers

For several reasons, an NPI number is critical:

  • Identification: It uniquely identifies a healthcare provider in all healthcare transactions.
  • Standardization: It ensures consistency across electronic healthcare systems.
  • Billing: It is used for processing insurance claims, making sure providers receive proper payment.
  • Transparency: Patients can verify the credentials and services of healthcare providers through their NPI number.

To make the healthcare system transparent to patients and healthcare organizations, professionals must have an NPI number. If you have Joseph White’s number from the 804 area of Virginia, you can obtain more information about his services and credentials.

Why the NPI Number is Important in Virginia

Virginia follows the federal standardization of the issuance and use of NPI numbers, similar to all U.S. states. For example, a provider, such as a doctor, for instance, Joseph White, having a 804 area code, must obtain the NPI number for purposes of provision and use in getting official recognition from other insurance companies, government health programs like Medicare and Medicaid, among others.

Understanding the NPI system would be helpful for someone who is looking for health care services in the 804 region of Virginia; it can help identify trustworthy providers and ensure the provider is appropriately credentialed. That way, it holds the provider accountable and affords you confidence in the care you receive.

Healthcare Regulations and NPI Numbers

The healthcare sector is very strictly regulated. The regulating bodies ensure that providers serve the public under national and state guidelines. Part of this process involves tracking providers through their NPI numbers. In Virginia, healthcare professionals like Joseph White NPI Number Virginia 804 are legally required to have an NPI number to practice, just like in all other U.S. states.

Knowing a provider’s NPI number ensures a patient that such a provider is up to national standards.

What Does an NPI Number Tell You?

An NPI number tells much about a provider. For example, check out what you can find about Joseph White by searching for his NPI number:

  • Provider Type: Whether Joseph White NPI Number Virginia 804 is a physician, nurse, therapist, or other healthcare provider.
  • Specialization: His area of expertise or specialization within the healthcare system.
  • Location: Where Joseph White practices, including details about his office or hospital in the Virginia 804 area.
  • Licensing: His professional license details and qualifications, showing he meets the required healthcare standards.

How to Find Joseph White’s NPI Number

It is very easy to find a healthcare provider’s NPI number through the internet. There are government sites that one can use to search for any provider’s NPI number by name, location, or specialty. For example:

  • NPI Registry: A public database that lets you search for healthcare providers by name, NPI number, or specialty.
  • State Medical Board Websites: These websites also often provide information on licensed providers, including their NPI numbers.

Looking up Joseph White’s NPI in 804 Virginia allows his patients and healthcare administrators to verify his credentials and what he would offer.

Table: Understanding NPI Details for Joseph White in Virginia’s 804 Area

NPI Number Healthcare Provider Specialization Location (804 Area) Licensing
[To Be Searched] Joseph White [To Be Searched] Virginia (804 Area) Active Medical License

This table provides a quick view of the kind of details that can be retrieved when searching for an NPI number. By only entering the NPI number for Joseph White, for example, you will be able to retrieve all this information and much more.

The Role of NPI Numbers in Medical Billing

Medical billing can be complex. Ensuring that each healthcare provider is paid for services can only be achieved when claims are put across to the involved insurance companies. Here, the NPI number becomes important. For example, in the 804 area of Virginia, Joseph White’s NPI number will ensure that his Medicare claims as well as his Medicaid claims go through without any hiccups.

In short, providers can’t lawfully file their claims for payment without having an NPI number. Any provider’s professional life will inherently involve an NPI. Patients don’t often focus on that part of health care, but it’s what keeps the system going in the background.

The Use of NPI Numbers in Patient Care

Other than billing, NPI numbers help simplify patient care. They ensure that if a patient transfers between different doctors, hospitals, or specialists, then the information stays the same. For example, if you get your care in the 804 area of Virginia from Joseph White, then his number will appear on the medical records.

This makes it easier for your primary care doctor, insurance company, and specialists to communicate about your health. They reduce errors in patient care and engage in coordinated care, benefiting both the provider and the patient.

The NPI Number’s Impact on Healthcare Analytics

In the age of big data, healthcare analytics is very important to health organizations. With NPI numbers, these organizations can better track and analyze healthcare trends. These numbers help analyze how many patients a provider like Joseph White can see. For example, Joseph White NPI Number Virginia 804may be a provider in the Virginia 804 area. NPI numbers are useful for understanding patterns of healthcare delivery. They play an integral role in improving healthcare analytics.

This information will, therefore, come in handy in the policymaking of healthcare improvement in different regions to ensure that such areas as the 804 area in Virginia receive the attention they require in the provision of healthcare resources.

How to Use NPI Information for Provider Verification

Checking the credibility of a healthcare provider is crucial before enlisting their services. Patients in the 804 area code can easily check Joseph White’s NPI number to ensure he is licensed and competent for service. This protects you from scams and ensures you receive treatment from someone who meets state and nationwide healthcare requirements.

By merely typing your NPI number into the registry or database of your preference, you can retrieve all the information that may be pertinent to you: licensure, location, and specialty.

Ensuring Provider Accountability with NPI Numbers

NPI numbers also act as a way of holding the healthcare providers accountable. JJoseph White NPI Number Virginia 804 serves as a provider in Virginia’s 804 area. His NPI number places him in a massive database of all health services. This ensures that any issues or complaints regarding his services can be traced through his NPI number. It promotes transparency and accountability.

This will ensure that patients feel assured about the fact. That their healthcare providers, one being similar to Joseph White, enjoy a good number of a valid NPI number.

How Joseph White’s NPI Number Reflects on His Practice

In this regard, being registered with a valid NPI number speaks well of health care providers. It reflects that they have undertaken all the qualification and are performing in tandem with regulations by the state and federal authority. For a person like Joseph White in Virginia’s 804 area, this NPI number is his credibility, trustworthiness, and professional standing.

Verifying Joseph White’s NPI number will give patients confidence in their choice of health care provider. It ensures that the provider meets the national standards set in the healthcare sector.


What is an NPI number?

An NPI number is a 10-digit unique identification number used by healthcare providers in the U.S. for administrative and billing purposes. It helps ensure standardized information sharing in healthcare systems.

Why is Joseph White’s NPI number important?

Joseph White’s NPI number helps identify him as a licensed healthcare provider in Virginia’s 804 area, ensuring patients can verify his qualifications and services.

How can I find Joseph White’s NPI number?

You can find Joseph White’s NPI number by searching public databases like the NPI Registry or state medical board websites.

Can patients trust providers with an NPI number?

Yes, an NPI number signifies that a provider has met national and state healthcare standards, ensuring accountability and trustworthiness.

Does the NPI number affect medical billing?

Yes, the NPI number is essential for filing insurance claims and receiving payments from government health programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

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